
Buda Castle Highlights - A Unique Guided Tour at Buda Castle Including St Stephen’s Hall

Buda Castle Highlights - A Unique Guided Tour at Buda Castle Including St Stephen’s Hall

Discover 800 years of history as you embark on a guided walking tour in Budapest. Explore the highlights of Buda Castle and venture into St. Stephen's Hall, an ornate room restored to its original royal splendor.

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Join a walking tour of the Buda Castle District and uncover 800 years of fascinating history. Hear interesting stories, marvel at breathtaking views, and visit the opulent St. Stephen's Hall, all in the company of a knowledgeable guide. Head to the meeting point and get ready to discover one of the main symbols of the city of Budapest. Wander through the Castle's outdoor courts, see statues and fountains, and admire panoramic views of the city below. Listen as your guide takes you on a journey through the past, from the Golden Age to the siege of Budapest during the Second World War. Learn about the communist era that followed and find out how the Palace was restored. Finally, make your way inside St. Stephen's Hall, the only part of the Palace interior that has been fully and faithfully restored to its former glory after being looted and destroyed during World War II. End your tour with a deeper appreciation of the importance of Buda Castle and understand why the Buda Castle District has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

DEPARTURE: Information Point - Savoyai 1014 Budapest, Buda Castle, Savoy Terrace
ARRIVAL: St Stephen’s Hall, South Range of the Palace of Buda Castle
DURATION: 90 minutes 

More details
• this is an outdoor and indoor programme
• the walk is recommended for persons above 12 years of age
• as the programme starts precisely at the time indicated, we cannot wait for latecomers
• the walk is held in all weather conditions (even in case of rain)
• as the walk winds on cobbled roads, stairs and narrow corridors, it is not suitable for persons with disabilities
• we recommend that you wear comfortable walking shoes


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